Helping providers understand, manage and improve the perception patients have of them
Helping providers understand, manage and improve the perception patients have of them
Evaluating the patient and health consumer experience from the outside looking in
Evaluating the patient and health consumer experience from the outside looking in
Our healthcare mystery shopping studies behavior and process, and evaluates your organization’s adherence to your own prescribed values and standards. We also identify behavioral characteristics of high and low performers to be used in motivating and coaching employees.
To date we have conducted over 150,000 healthcare mystery shops since 1998, making Perception Strategies a proven leader in the study of the Patient Experience.
We conduct ongoing programs to show continuous progress or benchmark studies to isolate specific concerns. We also highly encourage clients to shop competitors in order to gain valuable insight.
Our shoppers are first and foremost consumers. They provide the depth of who, what, when, where and how in each shopping report. However, just like your patients, they are not trained on the ins and outs of healthcare protocol.
Healthcare mystery shopping is designed to shine a spotlight on your organization's shortcomings, but it is also important to identify extraordinary employee behavior as well. Each of our studies features recognition of exceptional performance from the patient or consumer's perspective. We call it the The Extra Mile Award, and we have honored thousands of recipients over the years.
How do you determine exactly what the patient or consumer experience is so that you can take action to improve it? The answer is healthcare mystery shopping. Below are many of the ways we get at the heart of your perception issues. Give us a call to discuss the right approach for you.
Click here to get a brief description of the types of studies.
Contact us today to see which type of mystery shopping works best for you.
Documenting every aspect of the patient experience through comprehensive observations and focused patient interviews
Documenting every aspect of the patient experience through comprehensive observations and focused patient interviews
If your organization’s goal is to fully understand the patient experience, no form of research surpasses ethnography for achieving experiential depth and insight. By placing ourselves in the patient’s environment for an extended period of time, we bring to light the patient satisfaction barriers that often go undetected or unreported by staff.
The benefits to our clients have been far-reaching by stripping away silos, miscommunication, and faulty processes. This allows the organization to clearly see what the patient sees (quite literally as we identify environmental issues).
Because our findings present immediate and actionable feedback, our solutions correlate directly to improved satisfaction scores. These detailed studies identify the cultural, process, and people issues (often unseen by the provider) that lead to patient dissatisfaction.
In addition to patient interviews, visitors to the patient room are also often interviewed. Observations are primarily based on HCAHPS-related issues such as communication, cleanliness, and noise.
An extensive review of the patient experience by unit or department is provided which includes interview data analysis, people, place and process related themes, non-employee photographs, and recommendations. We also conduct briefings with participating unit/department leadership and the CNO if appropriate prior to departure. Onsite presentations of the findings are available upon request.
Contact us today to begin seeing and hearing what the patient sees and hears.
We are proud of the healthcare perception services we have provided to following clients for over 20 years. Thanks to all of them from Perception Strategies.
We are proud of the healthcare perception services we have provided to following clients for over 20 years. Thanks to all of them from Perception Strategies.